Feb 13, 2014

JVM memory full - T4Prepared statement memory and memory dump issues

Often I experience platform crash when JVM free memory becomes very low and full GC does not release any memory.

How to troubleshoot:
  • Take memory dump ( in bash jmap -dump:file=/tmp/mon/dump.hprof)
  • Open with Eclipse MAT
  • Select Dominator tree
  • Select Group by class
  • Now expand a little bit and let's see what we've got:

37% memory is taken by T4CPrepared statement.

It's parameter in Weblogic - for each thread we can cache 50 queries.

So 197 connections * 50 caches = 9850.

So solution here is to decrease number of caches .

Feb 7, 2014

GUI validation with SoapUI and Sikuli

Actually I was not really interested in this feature, but just wanted to prove that it is possible.
Works with SoapUI free and Pro (but only x32 version so far for me).

 So what you would need to make it work:
1) Download latest Sikuli distribution. (I used SikuliX-1.0.1)
2) Grab sikuli-java.jar from there and copy it to SoapUI\bin\ext folder.
3) The most important part - stat soapUI with .bat file, not .exe file.
4) Insert groovy script into your project. Basic one to test if it works should be:

 import org.sikuli.script.*;  
 def s = new Screen();  
 s.click("D:/Non-exising.png", 0);  

You would get some error message like FindFailed - which is ok.
Now try to record something more complex in SikuliIDE, save project and use grabbed images and actions in your groovy code.